Treating the Mind, Body and Soul

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When facing traumatic times we all go on a search for something that will help us. Seems the first thing we do is “google it”. NPCF has been researching for years on different ways to combat cancer, specifically pancreatic cancer. During the past 8 years, it becomes more and more apparent that there is no one way to combat or fight pancreatic cancer or any cancer for that matter. However, with such low survival rates, pancreatic cancer patients are seeking out alternative therapies in addition to their traditional treatments of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

This is why NPCF has started intensely working with companies such as Doterra, and the Alternative and Integrative Research Foundation. Including a multitude of other therapies such as equine therapy, nutrition, positive empowerment, reiki, yoga, etc. It has become apparent that we have to treat the whole body, mind, and soul when it comes to these devastating diseases.

This NPCF blog will cover complementary therapies available to those not only battling pancreatic cancer but for those caregivers who are seeking support for their own trials during these difficult times with their loved ones. So that they can stay healthy in order to support their family members fighting pancreatic cancer.

Check back weekly for more information regarding complementary therapies for you and your loved ones.

April 2018 we will cover the benefits of using essential oils for many ailments to include cancer, depression, mental fatigue, and so many others. Stay tuned….this information is going to change your life!