
Our Warriors

These are stories of people bravely fighting against the odds after receiving a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Life is precious, it is worth fighting for, and we want to help patients fight for more time with loved ones.

Our Warrior Jodie

I eventually went to the ER and was sent home, being told it was probably pneumonia. Three weeks later, I was again misdiagnosed with thoughts of pulmonary embolism. After a CT scan, they confirmed it was pneumonia, however, I knew something was off. I have many lung issues and didn’t feel congested. In addition, the scan showed the pneumonia wasn’t on the same side as the pain.
Thinking it may be pancreatitis, another scan was completed, this time showing a spot on my liver. The pain was getting worse, so the Dr’s ordered an MRI and told me I would get the results within a few days. Within hours of the MRI, my Dr called and informed me they believed it was cancer but would need a biopsy to confirm.
Within a couple of days of the biopsy, I now had an explanation. I was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma metastasis to my liver and was sent to an oncologist and oncology surgeon with hopes of surgical resection.
Unfortunately, my lungs are too bad to handle a surgery like that. So far, my current treatment has involved chemotherapy and I should learn what the next steps will be in a few weeks, as my tumors started growing again. Still, my focus is to keep my family uplifted and positive. “
While spending her time managing a prayer site and raising a grandchild or two, Jodie prayed for a companion. “After being alone for almost 17 years, God sent my sweet friend of almost 30 years. We hadn’t seen one another in many years, but immediately we knew it was our time to get together and we married in March.” Her husband faces his own battles as well, “He’s had a quadruple bypass, has chronic heart failure, and was recently rejected for a heart transplant because of diabetes, but we keep each other lifted up! He’s my hero….”
“Most of all, I wanted to share this story because there is no date stamp on our feet. Stay positive, but do get your affairs in order. After all, we will ALL leave the planet sooner or later and it’s one less thing to stress about…. make a bucket list… do as much as you can… stay positive…and God bless”
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I eventually went to the ER and was sent home, being told it was probably pneumonia. Three weeks later, I was again misdiagnosed with thoughts of pulmonary embolism. After a CT scan, they confirmed it was pneumonia, however, I knew something was off. I have many lung issues and didn’t feel congested. In addition, the scan showed the pneumonia wasn’t on the same side as the pain.
Thinking it may be pancreatitis, another scan was completed, this time showing a spot on my liver. The pain was getting worse, so the Dr’s ordered an MRI and told me I would get the results within a few days. Within hours of the MRI, my Dr called and informed me they believed it was cancer but would need a biopsy to confirm.
Within a couple of days of the biopsy, I now had an explanation. I was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma metastasis to my liver and was sent to an oncologist and oncology surgeon with hopes of surgical resection.
Unfortunately, my lungs are too bad to handle a surgery like that. So far, my current treatment has involved chemotherapy and I should learn what the next steps will be in a few weeks, as my tumors started growing again. Still, my focus is to keep my family uplifted and positive. “
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While spending her time managing a prayer site and raising a grandchild or two, Jodie prayed for a companion. “After being alone for almost 17 years, God sent my sweet friend of almost 30 years. We hadn’t seen one another in many years, but immediately we knew it was our time to get together and we married in March.” Her husband faces his own battles as well, “He’s had a quadruple bypass, has chronic heart failure, and was recently rejected for a heart transplant because of diabetes, but we keep each other lifted up! He’s my hero….”
“Most of all, I wanted to share this story because there is no date stamp on our feet. Stay positive, but do get your affairs in order. After all, we will ALL leave the planet sooner or later and it’s one less thing to stress about…. make a bucket list… do as much as you can… stay positive…and God bless”
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