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Our Warriors

These are stories of people bravely fighting against the odds after receiving a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Life is precious, it is worth fighting for, and we want to help patients fight for more time with loved ones.

Our Warrior Cary

Cary, just a few days shy of 73, was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in August of 2015. He was nominated as a Warrior by his son, Scott.
Scott writes: “I remember getting a call from my brother that dad was going to the hospital because his skin looked jaundiced.
After tests were run, my mom, dad, and I got the news stating there was suspicion of cancer. After a few consultations from two hospitals, it was confirmed, stage 2 pancreatic cancer.
Doctors said the odds were small even with chemo or Whipple procedure. My dad told my brother and me that he wanted to live and would do whatever to fight.
We all had dreams that he would survive to see his 3 grandchildren being born and an older one entering college. My dad’s father passed away at a young age and he wanted to live.”
From the moment of his original diagnosis, Cary has had chemotherapy each year on and off at a 6 month regiment to address microscopic cells that seem to be dormant so far. He has also had a successful Whipple procedure but has experienced multiple infections post-surgery.
He is now on diet medication to increase his appetite. Cary is still fighting strong for his family, especially his precious grandchildren; Faith (5), Mae (2), Camron (19), and Callie (13 Months). Like so many others, even with medicare/medicaid, medications are getting extremely expensive in retirement.
Nevertheless, Cary chooses to spread hope and helps others who have the same diagnosis by sharing words of encouragement.